Video, performance, public installation

Project developed in residency at Project Space Salento (Nardò, IT, curated by Davide Mengoli – GX Gallery, London). Ethnographic research showed that historical structural inequality causes apathy; a change-triggering factor could be to invite people to anonymously express wishes. Interviews resulted in a video & public installation that triggered debate among residents. During a nighttime performance I covered town walls and benches with the anonymous wishes:. The town woke up to a dreamlike sight.


Upon invitation by FARM Culture Park to address racism, unemployment and human rights in Sicily, Everyone’s Dress is relational-art project for the development of a garment that is wearable by people of any age, size and sex, and thus rejects the notion of race thanks to its universal nature. Created with participants from different backgrounds, Everyone’s Dress was developed in residency and produced by FARM under the auspices of The Honorary Consulate of Ghana in Sicily, with Korai-Territorio Sviluppo e Cultura Soc. Coop. We created a pattern that communicates human equality, synthesising the acronym we invented “FARM-Fashioning a Renewed Mankind” (=that rejects the concept of race). The pattern was spray-painted on textile and on one of FARM’s walls. Textile, wall and garment prototypes (created by designers from Sicily and Ghana selected via call) were presented during FARM’s 7th Anniversary event (June 30th).

CREDITS Participants:  Acka Amoutchi Gregoire Bile, Evelyn Boafo, Mamadi Jobe, Lucien Kouama Aka, Ansumana Sawo, Sabine Sobo Blay. Produced by Farm Cultural Park (Andrea Bartoli, Florinda Saieva, Rosario Castellana, Antonio Alba) with the partnership of Korai-Territorio, Sviluppo e Cultura Soc. Coop. (Susanna Gristina, Patrizia Barbera, Eleonora Cammarata, Viviana Corso, Maria Chiara Rizzo) – Under the auspices of the Honorary Consulate of Ghana in Sicily, in the person of Mr. Francesco Campagna – Graphic Design: Marco Claude – Photography: Nadia Castronovo – Video: Flare Production Luana Sabatini – Video editing and postproduction: Marco Claude, Noel Gazzano – Designers: Rosalia di Bella (IT), Melinda Micciché (IT), Djoulde (GH).

FARM’s 7th Anniversary celebration

During the pandemic I lived, painted and did online performances in my (not really) mobile studio (1978 Sven Hedin camper “Sven”) and participated in online research groups on living environments.


Video (2’02”)

A sprouted lemon seed found by a street food vendor in Palermo’s roughest neighbourhood stirs a public debate on the clash between the poetic and the cynical dimensions of life. Developed in residency at the Palermo Summer School of Contemporary Art – Caffè Internazionale. Curated by Stefania Galegati Shines, Davide Ricco, Daria Filardo. With Helen Cammock, Driant Zeneli.


Voice does what our bodies can’t

For 33 nights in a row, starting when Italian Prime Minister Conte announced lockdown (March 9th) I performed live online readings from my “almost” mobile atelier (VW Sven Hedin 1978 vintage van) in collaboration with publishers Kurumuny and AnimaMundi. I wore vintage nightgowns and selected texts that gave emotional support and intellectual stimuli in those difficult days. People of all ages participated suggesting readings & commenting.


Delicate readings for difficult days